Friday, 16 April 2010

Setting the agenda for next NP (Tue 13 July)

Dear all,

Hope everyone enjoyed a good Easter break!
Better late than never (my apologies) but thought I'd summarise the main points following last month's informal meeting
- Cllr Trevor Blythe (NP Chair) wants us to be involved in the preparations & agenda setting for the next formal NP meeting (Tues 13 July) - very good news indeed!
- Shortly, Trevor will let us know a date (probably mid-late May) for a pre-meeting where we can discuss our suggestions for the agenda. I spoke to him today and he is 'on the case'.
- It was widely agreed that trying to get the open 'blog' going for communications was a good idea in principle, but this hasn't worked in practice so far. I'm sending this on email to make sure everyone receives it. I think we need an expert (Malcolm?) to take the lead on how to make 'blogging' work for us! He offered assistance to anyone needing help getting set up on the blog (email him on -------) but I think using it effectively after registering may be a bigger challenge!
We also started to build the visual map of where the representatives come from and we also have an appreciation of the expertise & areas of interest of all those who came along – very impressive! Ariaf has some flipchart notes about this and I have the maps. Prior to the next NP, we will find a way of presenting and sharing this information.
Best wishes to everyone,


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