Monday 15 March 2010

Informal NP representatives meeting

Date: Tuesday 30 March
Time: 7.00-8.30 p.m.
Venue: Council House, College Green

Thank you Ariaf for finding a no-charge (to us!) wheelchair accessible venue for us to use for this one-off meeting.


  1. I am keen to put names to faces and get a feel for how we could work as a group at this meeting. What key questions do people think should we be considering?

  2. Well done Rachel and Ariaf.

    I feel that it would be good if we could ascertain areas of interest and expertise. Possibly set up informal small (2 or 3)special interest groups to help divide up the workload.

    Maybe also sort out a few heading categories for blog posts. Nothing too rigid just to make life a bit easier.

  3. is it me ..or are we all going to the nprf on sat 27th march at shirehampton public hall 10 am to 1300 hrs
    well done setting this up

  4. I have been to several NPRF meetings but cannot make Sat 27th - glad to hear that there will be representation from CCCENP!

  5. Hi, I went to NPRF at Shirehampton today. Just catching up with blogger and what's been going on in NP. I agree with Rachel and Malcolm's comments on agenda.

    It could be useful if someone could do a demo of how best to use the blogger at the meeting to help get everyone up to speed? It will really help communication I think.

    There was an interesting presentation on peak oil at the NPRF that I hope we can start to consider in NP or a special interest group of it soon. Lots of relevant stuff - eg student landlords and insulation has been hot topic lately.

    BR Julian

  6. I will happily talk about basic blogging. Not sure if I will be able to do a proper demo. Will work on it.

  7. I think we should consider agenda setting.
    I see that the make life better fund now has an on-line voting system- intersting- what will the rules be, how many times can you vote etc etc- new take on democracy and Im all for it.

  8. Is this blog really easier than sending out group emails???? I have yet to be convinced. I don't really know how it is meant to work and what it is meant to do. Any help and advice would be most welcome. Thanks
